Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Starting pictures

Here are some rather goofy pictures of me, just to start things off. These were taken on April 6, the day before I started the program, and are from the end of the day, after dinner. I have the vague idea of getting to about 200 pounds, which would be 20 more pounds of muscle and fat. I'll try to post new pics every few weeks.
Today's numbers: wt. 179.6
squat (I think I'll only post the work sets from now on, these will always be preceded by a thorough warm-up): 200x5x3
press: 80x5x3 (this is what I need improvement on more than anything)
deadlift: 315x5x1
I'm up to 3 quarts of milk a day now, with no ill effects except for a bit more phlegm than usual.


TbonMisfit said...

Oh man, please, PLEASE go as the Incredible Hulk for Halloween! That would exceed all bounds of awesomeness.

Chad Lott said...
